Jake is back in Italy. :( He was here for two weeks, but I feel like we were rushing everywhere trying to get as much done for the wedding as possible. We didn't really get time to just chill.
We did get a lot done though. Traveled to meet my extended family, had dinner with his family, gathered up childhood pictures for the clothesline gallery, engagement photo shoot (more on that later), met with the minister, had multiple dinners with friends, bought a car (more on that later also), played golf (he won), picked out the groomsmen's suits(more on that later also), bought the rings(more on that later also!), and finalized a lot of little details for the ceremony.
And now he's gone. The goodbye at the airport was tough, but not as bad as usual. This time, I was able to say, only three months! Three months seems like nothing when our goodbyes are usually for a year or more!
I think once I get to the end of the school year, the last month and a half before the wedding should fly by! This week will be a short week for Easter, then after Easter we will start MAP testing, then after MAP testing there will only be 19 days left of school! I know I will miss teaching and coaching at Bismarck, but with such an exciting summer coming up, I can't wait for school to be out!!
Well, with Jake being gone, I finally have time to post all the updates, so here goes...